Able Industrial Trades


About Accessibility on this Site

The Able Industrial Trades website was intentionally designed to be accessible to the widest possible audience. It is fully compatible with popular screen reading software and was designed for those who for a variety of reasons may not be able to use a mouse. This website can be navigated using the keyboard on your computer or using other assistive devices.

Customize the Site for You

There are various things you can do to change the look of this site to make it easier for you to read. You can make the text bigger and change the contrast. This section gives you instructions on how to do this, as well as information about website accessibility in general.

Text Size

This site offers three different text sizes (as well as those offered by most internet browsers). They are indicated by the three different sized letters at the top right of each page. Click on the different sized A's to change the text size of a page. The second smallest size is the default text size of the website.

For websites that do not offer this option, you can also change your text size preferences in your Internet browser. For example, if you're using Internet Explorer 5, look under "View" on the menu bar and choose "Text Size." For more information, see our guide to Changing Text Size in Your Browser.

Other Features and Advice:

  • 1.  Alternative text

  • Images on have alternative text attributes, often known as alt text. This means that when an image is used on a web page to convey information its content is also described in the alt text. This means that the image can be understood by text browsers and assistive technologies such as screen readers. If an image is used for simply decorative purposes, the text attribute for the image is left empty in line with accepted best practice.

  • 2.  Descriptive Links

  • Links on have TITLE tags. These tags work like Alternative Text and provide more information for someone using a screen reader or when someone hovers over a link with their mouse.

  • 3. Colour Reliance and Image Alternatives

  • The Able Industrial Trades website was created with colour impaired visitors in mind. The site was designed and was tested to conform to minimum contrast requirements for visitors with colour-blindness or other ocular impairments that could prevent them from reading text that does not have sufficient colour contrast with background colours.

    The website uses images in a strong and effective method for communication. Where visitors cannot view images, due to visual or technological issues, alternative text is provided to ensure that the content of those images - where relevant - is communicated to the visitor. When images are disabled for any reason, the entire site was built to be fully navigable and usable. The website never relies exclusively on colour or image to convey information.

  • 4.  Scripting Languages and Device Independence

  • The Able Industrial Trades website was created using only standard web technologies. The website requires no special scripting languages or plug-in software to navigate or use. Where Javascript has been used for enhanced features, those features are hidden when a visitor has Javascript disabled or does not have the appropriate version. Device Independence simply refers to the idea that Able Healthcare Professionals does not require the use of any specific piece of browser software or operating system. The site can even be navigated using a wireless device (i.e. Blackberry or Palm).

  • 5. Tables are Used for Tabular Data Only

  • Tables are not used for layout within the Able Industrial Trades website. Tables are only used to present data or information which is best displayed using columns and rows.